How to Install SYBASE ASE Developer 16.0 in UBUNTU 14.04 LTS x64

I would assume that you already installed Ubuntu as native or perhaps via an image or virtual machine and that you are ready to install SYBASE at this time.

Note: I am using x64 bit architecture if you are using x32 bit adjust accordingly. 

1. Download SYBASE ASE 16 from sybase or you can download it here.
2. Lets install the pre - requisites.

sudo apt-get install libaio1

3. Lets adjust the shared memory for sybase to use

sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

4. Paste the below at the very bottom

kernel.shmmax = 300000000

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Hello and Welcome who ever you are reading my blog and this article.
I just had the thought of reviewing SYBASE and today I had the chance of writing this article that will serve as my learning diary and how far I will get in understanding and strengthening my skills in SYBASE and Database as a whole.
In my next article I will be writing about How to Install  SYBASE ASE Developer Edition. Stay Tuned!

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